When planting grass seeds it’s important to consider ways to keep birds from eating them. The most obvious way is to plant them in a place where they can’t get to them. You can do this by installing a bird net. A bird net is easy to install, and it helps to deter birds from stealing your seeds. If you’ve got a lot of birds on your property, you may want to consider heavy-duty netting. It’s weather-resistant, and it’s ideal for persistent visitors.

Another way to keep birds from eating your grass seed is to put up a bird feeder. This can be a useful way to attract birds to your garden, but it can also be a source of trouble. Birds don’t like being sprayed with water. That said, a well-placed spray can scare a bird or two.

grey and white bird

Photo by Max Williamson on Unsplash

Other useful methods include using reflective tape or other visual deterrents. For instance, reflective owl cutouts can keep birds from feeding on your seed. They can be placed in trees or along the edge of a fence. Similarly, old CDs can be a useful alternative to bird repellent solutions.

Other options include installing motion sensor irrigation, which can be triggered by pets or humans. However, you’ll need to calibrate the intensity to ensure you don’t hurt any birds. Also, make sure you don’t accidentally leave a large hole in the netting.

Another useful bird deterrent is peppermint oil. Putting a small bottle of this near your seed will deter birds from stealing your seed. There are other natural ways to keep birds from stealing your seed, including floating netting.

In addition to these tips, you can also try some of the more experimental methods. Using a decoy of a hawk on a garden fence can be a good way to scare birds away from your lawn. Some people find that a simple metal or plastic pinwheel can be effective. These are inexpensive, can be moved from one place to another, and can last for years.

brown bird perched on person's left palm

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

Finally, you can try covering your grass seed. Although not entirely hidden, covering it with straw or burlap sheets can help keep birds from getting at it. Doing this will also protect it from the sun and prevent germination. Be sure to remove the burlap after germination, though. Alternatively, you can use a transparent fleece.

Hopefully these tips will have helped you keep birds from eating your grass seeds. If you’ve done all you can, you can still hope for a beautiful lawn, but in the event you’re not as lucky, here are some practical ways to prevent a nagging problem. Good luck!

Grass seed is a common source of food for avian species. Despite its convenience, birds are not terribly fond of it. Many species of avian creatures are afraid of predators, so putting up a fake owl, snake, or other nocturnal animal can help you stop them from consuming your precious seed.

While this list doesn’t include every possible way to deter a rooster from snatching your seed, it’s still worth a shot.